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School of Biosciences

Best Poster Award and Commendable Oral Presentation at 24th Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar

Biosciences BSc students had participated and presented oral and poster papers in the 24th Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar which was held in Taylor’s 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Lakeside Campus on 11th May 2013. This seminar provided a platform for undergraduates to present and share their research findings, exchange ideas and research experiences particularly in the biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology fields.

The poster presented by Ms Tham Shiau Ying had been judged and awarded the ‘Top 10 Best Posters’ out of 45 at the event. The title of her poster was “Expression of an anticancer therapeutic protein, Apoptin in planta”. Besides, Ms Marilyn Tan Wen Si and Ms Loh Fei Kean who presented their oral papers to a very high standard of clarity and presentation were also commendable.  Their titles were “Biolistic transformation of Sauropus androgynous” and “Preliminary study on H5N1 antigen expression for plant-based vaccine development”, respectively.  Congratulations to all the participants.

Posted on 20th May 2013

School of Biosciences

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