Biosciences Away Day
The School of Biosciences recently held a productive away day event on 7th December 2011, at the Cititel Hotel in Mid-Valley, KL on issues relating to teaching. It was attended by academic staff currently teaching in the School of Biosciences as well as some colleagues in the Science Foundation and the School of Geography. We were delighted that three colleagues from Biosciences at Sutton Bonington Campus UK were able to join us - Debbie Sparkes, Sean Mayes and Martin Broadley.
After reflecting briefly on our achievements over the five years since Biosciences started at UNMC, we quickly knuckled down to considering strengths and weaknesses of the courses offered and of the ways in which the structure of each course and the teaching of it can be improved. Potential for links with other Schools was identified, in terms of teaching of topics in modules and of facilities for students to gain practical skills. Recommendations were also made for enhancing the communication between staff running modules in UNMC and in the UK. The day provided answers to some issues and, as expected, highlighted areas requiring more detailed consideration. If any of us felt fed up at the end, at least we were fully fed!