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School of Biosciences

Biosciences PhD Student Wins a Cross Campus Travel Funding and a Presentation Prize in an International Conference


Ms Tham Shiau Ying, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Sandy Loh from School of Biosciences, has received a travel funding from Cancer 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Priority Area (RPA) of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham, UK. This is a renowned research group that connects more than 100 academics who are working on all cancer related disciplines across the university, creating an internationally recognised centre of excellence in collaborating with external institutions. With the funding awarded, Shiau Ying has travelled to 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham, UK campus for networking and facility visit in July 2016. This trip has facilitated her to explore the potential application of relevant facilities, seek technical inputs from experienced experts as well as initiate research collaboration with UK researchers. This special funding opportunity has gifted Shiau Ying an invaluable experience in her research journey.

Besides, Shiau Ying also won ‘The Most Recommended Paper for Oral Presentation’ in International Conference of Translational Molecular Imaging and Aero-Space Medicine & Physiology Showcase (iCTMIPs 16) which was held at Sama-Sama Hotel, Sepang on 15th - 16th April 2016. Shiau Ying stood out as one of the three most recommended papers and honoured to be highlighted as plenary speech of the conference. Her presentation was entitled “High-throughput screening of prospective combinations of tocotrienols and chemotherapeutic drugs on cancer cells”. 

Heartiest congratulations to Shiau Ying on her success! 

Posted on 5th September 2016

School of Biosciences

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