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2019 CIMB Book Prize Awards Ceremony

CIMB Book Prize 2019

L-R: Dr Hung Woan Ting, Ms Nur Adila Abdul Hamid, Ms Hong Qi Jun, Ms Fazida Akmal Bt Shamsudin

Nottingham 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Business School (NUBS) Malaysia hosted guests from Malaysian-based ASEAN universal bank CIMB, on 25 November 2019, for this year’s CIMB Book Prize Awards Ceremony. The occasion also marks the fourth year of NUBS Malaysia’s long-standing working relationship with CIMB.

The CIMB Book Prize recognizes academic excellence and active involvement in extra-curricular and/ or community work, as at the second year of undergraduate studies at NUBS Malaysia. The recipients of the 2019 CIMB Book Prize were Nur Adila Abdul Hamid and Hong Qi Jun, both currently final-year students on the BSc (Hons) Finance Accounting and Management programme. They each received a cash prize and an internship opportunity with CIMB.

The prizes were presented by CIMB’s Vice President of Group Human Resource – Regional Employer Branding, Engagement and Graduate Talent, Ms. Fazida Akmal Bt Shamsudin, who also spoke to students about career opportunities available not just to Business students but also to those with a background in science and technology. The Business School was represented by Deputy Dean and Associate Professor of Management Accounting, Dr Hung Woan Ting. 

Posted on 1st December 2019

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