CPA Australia Book Prize 2021

Heartiest congratulations to NUBS Malaysia students who received the 2021 CPA Australia Book Prize during a virtual awards ceremony held via Microsoft Teams on 30 March 2021! The recipients are final-year BSc (Hons) Finance Accounting and Management students Ms Nicole Lee, Ms Celine Chin, Ms Lee Yen Min and Ms Hafsa Nasreen.
The CPA Australia Book Prize consists of cash prizes awarded for students’ achievements in their overall performance in the penultimate year of their studies.
The prizes were presented by CPA Australia’s Business Development Manager, Ms Charlotte Lim Sze Ern, who also spoke to students attending the session on current employment trends in Malaysia. Students also had the opportunity to engage with Ms Cheng Wen Yun, an alumnus of NUBS Malaysia, on her journey in completing the CPA Australia exams and about how the qualification helped in her career advancement.
NUBS Malaysia was represented by the School’s Deputy Dean, Dr Hung Woan Ting. Also present were NUBS Malaysia’s professional body liaison Dr Too Shaw Warn, Director of Student Experience, Engagement and Employability Dr Roy Khong, and Director of Undergraduate Programmes Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma.