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ICAEW Book Prize Award 2011


NUBS graduates recently received book prizes for their excellent performance in management accounting modules from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). ICAEW is a professional membership organisation which provides financial knowledge and guidance to the global accountancy and finance profession.

The award ceremony was held at the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia Campus on September 26, 2011 and was the award was presented by Ms Loh Wei Yuen, Head of ICAEW Malaysia. Ms Loh also gave a promotional talk on ICAEW prior to presenting the awards.

There were five recipients for the award this year. They are Mr Sebastian Marc, Ms Nyuyen Dieu Hanh Nguyen, Ms Mindy Tan Mei Ling, Ms Cheng Wen Yun and Ms Beh Li En. Mr Sebastian Marc is in his final year of study at UNMC and the other four recipients have already joined the workforce.

Posted on 27th September 2011

Nottingham 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Business School

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