CPA Australia Book Prize Award 2011

Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia Malaysia Division awarded book prizes to high achievers in final-year accounting modules at UNMC. CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies and plays an important role in professional development and innovation in the areas of financial reporting, taxation and corporate governance, both in Australia and internationally.
The ceremony to present the book prizes was held at UNMC on September 26, 2011. CPA Australia Malaysia Division was represented by Ms Leong Pui Kuan, Public Relationship Manager of Education and Business Development. Ms Leong gave a promotional talk on the CPA qualification and this was followed by the presentation of awards. The recipients for the award are Ms Cheng Wen Yun, Ms Lee Jia Wen and Ms Audrey Kwong Ming Yee.
Ms Cheng Wen Yun graduated from UNMC with BA (Hons) in Finance, Accounting and Management and is currently attached to the Advisory Line of Services of Price Waterhouse Coopers in Kuala Lumpur. Ms Cheng received the High Achievers Scholarship during her studies in both in the Foundation Programme and Undergraduate programme at UNMC. She also received the Dean’s list award in her first year.
Ms Lee Jia Wen graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Finance, Accounting and Management.
Ms Audrey Kwong Ming Yee is currently teaching English in China and will be teaching Economics in the near future.