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NSE Malaysia Newsletter - Issue 1, 2014


Editor's note

The Nottingham School of Economics (NSE) Malaysia is pleased to present our first quarterly newsletter
for the calendar year 2014. In this issue, the newsletter will feature various events that have taken place
during the first and second quarter of 2014 including school news, key events, latest publications, speaking engagements, and NSE Malaysia’s events in 2014.

School news

  • NSE Malaysia welcomes three new staff
  • Datuk Yvonne Chia appointed as an Honorary Professor at NSE Malaysia 
  • NSE Malaysia congratulates the second batch of graduates
  • NSE Malaysia students excel in extra-curricular activities 


Key events and other news

  • International Conference on Emerging Markets and Financial Integration 
  • Career talk: Being an Economist - What it Means to be One and Career Prospects 
  • Community contributions by NSE Malaysia faculty member
  • Nottingham Economic Essay Competition 2014

NSE Malaysia's faculty members featured in speaking engagements 

  • Dr Daniel Schoch
  • Dr Saumik Paul
  • Dr Teo Wing Leong 

Journal articles 

  • Deep Habits in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
    By Lubik, T.A. and Teo, W.L.  
  • Effect of Conflict on Dietary Energy Supply: Evidence from Côte d'lvoire
    By Dabalen, A. and Paul, S.   
  • Disputed Land Rights and Displacement: A Double Whammy on the Poor
    By Lam, C. and Paul, S. 
  • Estimating the causal effect of conflict on education in Côte d'lvoire
    By Dabalen, A. and Paul, S. 

School of Economics

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Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8253
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8019

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