Economics Essay Competition 2014
The School of Economics, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia campus, is organising an Economics essay competition.
The topic of the essay competition is: “Malaysia has experienced strong economic growth over the past decades, but income inequality has not significantly lowered and many people are still left behind. What economic policies can Malaysia implement to reduce income inequality without sacrificing its rapid growth?”
The topic of the essay competition is: “Malaysia has experienced strong economic growth over the past decades, but income inequality has not significantly lowered and many people are still left behind. What economic policies can Malaysia implement to reduce income inequality without sacrificing its rapid growth?”
The essay competition is open to all pre-university and high school students in Malaysia. The following prizes will be awarded:
First prize: RM 1,000Second prize: RM 800Third prize: RM 6003 consolation prizes: RM350 each
The closing date is 15 July 2014, Tuesday.
The terms and conditions and entry form for the competition can be downloaded by clicking on the links.
A copy of the competition flyer can be downloaded here.
A copy of the competition flyer can be downloaded here.
School of Economics is pleased to announce the winners of the Nottingham Economic Essay Competition 2014. The judging panel has decided to award the following 3 prizes:
The winners will be contacted via email regarding the prize-giving ceremony.