Economics Essay Competition 2020
The School of Economics, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia campus, is organising an Economics essay competition.
The topic of the essay competition is: “The Covid-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the Malaysian economy. If you were the finance minister of Malaysia, discuss 3 policies that you would implement, why, and how they would help Malaysia weather the crisis.”
The topic of the essay competition is: “The Covid-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the Malaysian economy. If you were the finance minister of Malaysia, discuss 3 policies that you would implement, why, and how they would help Malaysia weather the crisis.”
The essay competition is open to all pre-university and high school students in Malaysia. The following prizes will be awarded:
First prize: RM 1,000.00Second prize: RM 800.00Third prize: RM 600.003 consolation prizes: RM350.00 each
The closing date is 18 September 2020, Friday.
The terms and conditions and entry form for the competition can be downloaded by clicking on the links.
A copy of the competition flyer can be downloaded here.
A copy of the competition flyer can be downloaded here.
The judging panel has decided to award the following prizes:
- First prize: Shirel Leena Ponnudurai (Nexus International School Putrajaya, International Baccalaureate) - essay
- Second prize: Chua Yi Xian (SMK Tok Sera, STPM) - essay
- Third prize: Angeline Tan Sue Yin (Kolej Yayasan UEM) - essay
Consolation prizes (in no particular order):

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