Nottingham Advantage Award: The Vice Chancellor's Global Award

The Vice–Chancellor’s Global Award Prize
This prize, supported by the Vice–Chancellor, recognises an individual student for their global graduate attributes.
Why does the Vice–Chancellor sponsor this prize?
By the time you graduate, we hope that our academic and extracurricular opportunities will have allowed you to grow professionally, to develop as a person and to formulate exciting plans for the future. Everyone’s journey is different and we’re proud of how our students mature and broaden their horizons.You will leave us not just with an internationally – recognised degree but with a critical way of thinking and the ability to work independently. Although you might not have all the answers, you’ll have the skills and aptitude to tackle any questions — qualities that will help you succeed in whatever you choose to do.
What are we looking for in your application?
We are looking for evidence that you can demonstrate a range of ‘Global Graduate Attributes’, that not only reflect your education at Nottingham, but will prepare you effectively for the globalised world of work and for continuous personal and professional development.
Your application should include evidence that you can demonstrate any of the following attributes:
- The acquisition of a broader international perspective.
- A good understanding of a diverse and global society.
- An ability to apply disciplinary concepts in projects set in your own cultural context.
- 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ cross–cultural and intercultural awareness by participating in mixed group work.
- A commitment to the broader social good, at the national, local and global level.
- An ability to exercise intellectual capacity and moral standing to defend universally accepted values such as peace, justice, freedom and equality.
For complete details on eligibility and application details and deadlines please visit the Nottingham Advantage Award website.