Fostering Unity Through Ambition and Innovation: Computer Science TECH Fest 2024

Network through engaging activities and insightful talk sessions! Learn more about this year’s Computer Science TECH Fest 2024.
The School of Computer Science held its annual flagship extravaganza – Computer Science TECH Fest 2024 from October 21st till 29th 2024. It was a week-long celebration of technology and innovation, uniting students and tech enthusiast with industry leaders through a series of impactful talks and activities. The fest provided participants with a unique opportunity to learn, network, and engage with TECH leaders from prestige companies such as YTL Communication, Arvato, Ernst & Young, Vintana Labs, Cognizant, Talbotiq, Tapway and Experian, thereby promoting industry engagement. To foster community spirit among Computer Science students and academicians, fun social events such as Logic Lockdown – Escape the Room, Halloween Movie Night, helloWorld, and a School 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Dinner were also carried out as part of the celebration.
The School of Computer Science extends its gratitude to the core and supplementary committee members for their diligent work behind the scenes, which ensured the success of the 2024 TECH Fest. As a student-led event, this year’s fest provided all involved with the opportunity to harness their transferable skills, namely leadership, communication, collaboration as well as time and project management. This hands-on experience facilitated the development and enhancement of a lifelong skillset for the future.
Special thanks also go out to the Careers Advisory Service, Computer Science Society and Students‘ Association for their contribution and support in making this year’s event a resounding success.