
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia

Image of Fon Sim Ong

Fon Sim Ong

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences



Prior to becoming an academic member of the Nottingham 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Business School in May, 2013, Professor Ong has held various positions at both public and private universities. She has held the position of Deputy Dean, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Development, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Malaya. She left 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Malaya for Universiti Tun Abdul Razak as Professor of Marketing and Dean of the Graduate School of Business. Before joining NUBS, she served as Professor of Marketing and Head of Marketing Department, Taylor's Business School, Taylor's 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@, Malaysia.

Professor Ong's external linkages are as follows:

  • Affiliate 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Fellow: Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS), Lingnan 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. This is an academic research group that works on ageing: issues and challenges as well as policy directions.
  • 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Fellow, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
  • 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Associate, Institute Gerontology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Secretary of the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Cluster for private universities, National Council of Professors, Malaysia.
  • Trustee, i-RESOLVE Foundation (International 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Institute for Economic Progress and Social Well-being), a foundation established to conduct research which can contribute to policy planning by the Government of Malaysia for greater economic progress and better social well-being of Malaysians, in particular for the benefits of the poor, poor single mothers, handicapped children and other vulnerable groups.

Teaching Summary

My teaching interests are in Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Management and Services Marketing.

I had taught courses in Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Integrated Marketing Communications, Services Marketing and Global Marketing.

188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Summary

The projects that I am currently involved in as a co-researcher are as follows:

1. Identifying Psychosocial & Economic Risk Factors and Quantifying the Cost of Age-related Cognitive Impairment: Implications of Population Ageing in Malaysia. Long-term 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Grant Scheme, Government of Malaysia (RM830,461.00).

2. Sensorial and consumer behaviour in food and culture: Novel technologies for assessing factors driving and marketing a healthy lifestyle in Malaysia. Fundamental 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Grant Scheme, Government of Malaysia (RM60,000).

3. Examining the Social Commerce Value Antecedents of Scalable Online Business Model using Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling (BSEM) via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Algorithms. Fundamental 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Grant Scheme, Government of Malaysia (RM80,000).

Recent Publications

Past 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@

I have completed a research on the use of traditional Chinese medicine for gynecology care among Chinese women in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. My past research include:

1. Life events, stress and consumption behaviour of old and young Malaysians

2. Ageing and long-term care in Malaysia

3. Financial preparedness of older Malaysians

4. Shopping malls and patronage behaviour

5. Islamic branding and marketing for Malaysia

Future 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@

I plan to continue my work on older consumers, their lifestyle relating to health and subjective well-being. One of the sub-themes should be related to food and functional foods. In addition, I would also like to explore new approaches to research on consumer behaviour.

  • ONG, F. S., KHONG, K. W., YEOH, K. K., OSMAN, S. and OTHMAN, M. N., 2018. A Comparison between Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Bayesian SEM Approaches on In-Store Behaviour Industrial Management & Data Systems. 118(1), 41-64
  • ASHRAF AHADZADEH, SAEED PAHLEVAN SHARIF, FON SIM, ONG, 2018. Online health information seeking: the moderating role of health consciousness Online Information Review. 58-72
  • SAEED PAHLEVAN SHARIF, ASHRAF AHADZADEH, AND FON SIM, ONG, 2018. The effect of religiosity on the relationship between BMI and body image among Iranian women Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
  • MATHUR, A., ONG, F.S., CHOONG, K.F., PAKAKORN R., AND MOSCHIS, G. P., 2017. Beyond cognitive age: developing a multitheoretical measure of age and its assessment Journal of Marketing Analytics,. 1-13
  • ASHRAF AHADZADEH, SAEED PAHLEVAN SHARIF, AND FON SIM, ONG, 2017. Self-schema and self-discrepancy mediate the influence of Instagram usage on body image satisfaction among youths Computers in Human Behaviour. 8-16
  • CHIU MEI CHEE, MUHAMMAD MOHSIN BUTT, STEPHEN WILKINS, FON SIM ONG, 2016. Country of origin and country of service delivery effects in transnational higher education: a comparison of international branch campuses from developed and developing nations Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. 86-102
  • MOHAMMAD ALI SOLEIMANI, SAEED PAHLEVAN SHARIF, AMENEH YAGHOOB ZADEH AND ONG FON SIM, 2016. Relationship between hardiness and addiction potential in medical students Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
  • ASHRAF AHADZADEH, SAEED PAHLEVAN SHARIF, FON SIM, ONG and KHONG, K.W., 2015. Integrating Health Belief Model and Technology Acceptance Model: An Investigation of Health-related Internet Use Journal of Medical Internet 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. 17(2), e45
  • VARAPA, R., MOSCHIS, G.P., ONG, FON SIM and SHANNON R., 2015. Materialism and life satisfaction: The role of religion Journal of Religion and Health. 54(2 April), 413-426
  • PUI FONG NG, MUHAMMAD MOHSIN BUTT, KOK WEI KHONG and FON SIM ONG, 2014. Antecedents of Green Brand Equity: An integrated Approach Journal of Business Ethics. 121(2), 203-215
  • SYUHAILY, O., ONG F. S., MD NOR, O. and KHONG, K.W., 2014. The Mediating Effect of Mood on In-store Behaviour among Muslim Shoppers Journal of Islamic Marketing. 5(2), 178 - 197
  • KOK WEI, KHONG and FON SIM, ONG, 2014. Shopper perception and loyalty in Malaysia:: An approach for modelling the Stochastic shopping mall behavior International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 42(7), 626-642
  • BOONYING KONGARCHAPATARA and GEORGE P. MOSCHIS, 2014. Understanding the relationship between age, gender, and life satisfaction Journal of Beliefs and Values Journal of Beliefs & Values. 35(3), 340–358
  • JEANNOT KARIM, FON SIM ONG and MD NOR OTHMAN, 2014. Dimensions of the Malayness Construct: Scale Development and Empirical Analysis International Journal of Business and Society. 15(3), 9
  • FON SIM, ONG, DAVID R. PHILLIPS and SEN TYNE, CHAI, 2013. Life events and stress: Do men and women cope differently as consumers? Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology. 28(1),
  • MOSCHIS, G.P, ONG, F. S, MASOUD, A., YAMASHITA, T. and MATHUR, A., 2013. Cultural and sub-cultural differences in reliability: An empirical study in Japan and Malaysia Asia pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 25(1), 34 – 47
  • ONG, F.S. and MOSCHIS, G. P., 2013. Materialism and Well-Being among Consumers of Three Asian Subcultures: The Effects of Religion and Ethnicity: In Creating and Resolving Tensions: Exploring the Different Effects of Materialism Has on Consumers and Society Advances in Consumer 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. 41, 126-127
  • BAKER, A., MOSCHIS, G. P., ONG, F. S. and RA-PEE, P., 2013. Materialism and life satisfaction: The role of stress and religiosity Journal of Consumer Affairs. 47, 548–563.
  • CHONG, K.F., ONG, F.S. and MOSCHIS, G.P., 2013. Materialism and Well-being: The moderating effects of religiosity on Young Malaysian Consumers Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 34(2), 178-188
  • ONG, F. S., KHONG, K.W and FAZIHARUDEAN, T.M, 2012. Path Analysis of Atmospherics and Convenience on Flow: The Mediation Effect of Brand Affect and Brand Trust The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. 22(3), 277-292
  • MOSCHIS, GEORGE P. and ONG, FON SIM, 2012. A study of the effects of life status changes on changes in consumer preferences in Malaysia Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World. 22(3, June), 195-217
  • SARINYA LAISAWAT, JARATCHWAHN JANTARAT, FON SIM, ONG and GEORGE, P. MOSCHIS, 2012. Clarifying the relationship between Materialism and Well-being: Testing for Reciprocal and Third Variable Effects Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World. 22(1), 45-69
  • ONG, F.S., KHONG, K.W., FAZIHARUDEAN, T.M. and XIN, D., 2012. Path Analysis of Atmospherics and Convenience on Flow: The Mediation Effect of Brand Affect and Brand Trust The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. 22(3 (July)), 277-292
  • PAIM, L., ONG, F. S. AND HUSNA SULAIMAN, 2012. Profile of older Malaysians: Current and Future Challenges.. In: H. T. AIZAN, HUSNA, S. AND SITI FARRAH Z.A., ed., Expenditure patterns of older consumers. Serdang, Selangorr: UPM Press. 99-123
  • GEORGE P. MOSCHIS,, FON SIM, ONG, MASOUD ABESSI, TAKAKO YAMASHITA and ANIL MATHUR, 2011. Cultural and age-related differences in reliability: An empirical study in U.S., Japan, and Malaysia Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. 19((September/December)), 141–151
  • MOSCHIS, G.P. and ONG, F.S., 2011. Religiosity and consumer behavior of older adults: A study of subcultural influences in Malaysia Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 10(1), 8-17
  • MOSCHIS, G.P., ONG, F. S., MATHUR, A., YAMASHITA, T., & BENMOYAL, S., 2011. Family and Television Influences on materialism: A cross-cultural life-course approach. Journal of Asian Business Studies. 124-144
  • ONG FON SIM AND TENGKU AIZAN HAMID, 2010. Social Protection in East Asia – Current State and Challenges. In: AHSER, M., OUM, S., AND PARULIAN, F., ed., Social Protection in Malaysia: Current State and Challenges Jakarta: Economic 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Institute for ASEAN and East Asia.. 182-219
  • ONG, F. S., KITCHEN, P.J., AND CHEW, S.S., 2010. Marketing a consumer durable brand in Malaysia: A conjoint analysis and market simulation. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 507-515
  • MUSA GHAZALI AND ONG, FON SIM, 2010. Travel behaviour of older adults in Malaysia Current Issues in Tourism. 177-192
  • ONG, FON SIM, PHILLIPS, D.R. & TENGKU-AIZAN, H., 2009. Ageing in East Asia: Challenges and policies for the twenty-first century. In: T.H. FU & R. HUGHES, ed., Ageing in Malaysia: Progress and prospects. London: Routledge. 138-160
  • ONG, FON SIM AND CHANG H.K., 2009. Older people as models in advertisements: A cross-cultural content analysis of two Asian countries Journal of Business and Policy 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@. 1-15
  • ONG, FON SIM, PAIM, L. PHILLIPS, AND D. R., 2009. Empowerment among older consumers in Malaysia Hallym International Journal of Ageing. 135-154
  • ONG, FON SIM, LU, Y.Y. & ABESSI, M AND PHILLIPS, D. R., 2009. The correlates of cognitive ageing and adoption of anti-ageing products among older adults Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 294-305
  • ONG, FON SIM & MOSCHIS, G.P., 2009. Stress, coping and well-being: A study of ethnic differences among older adults Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 219-229
  • ONG, FON SIM, 2008. Life events, stress and life satisfaction among older adults in Malaysia. In: LEE, H. G, ed., Ageing in Southeast and East Asia: Family, Social Protection and Policy Challenges Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 190-215
  • ONG, FON SIM, KITCHEN, P. & JAMI, A., 2008. Consumption patterns and silver marketing: An analysis of older consumers in Malaysia. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 682-698
  • MD NOR, O., ONG, FON SIM, & WONG, H. W., 2008. Demographic and lifestyle profiles of ethnocentric and non-ethnocentric urban Malaysian consumers Asian Journal of Business and Accounting. 5-26
  • ONG, F. S, 2007. Health care and long term care issues for the elderly. In: CHEE, H.L. AND BARRACLOUGH, S., ed., Health Care in Malaysia London: Routledge-Curson. 170-186
  • ONG, FON SIM, AND MD. NOR OTHMAN, 2007. A Study of life events, stress and coping strategies among older adults in Malaysia: Implications for marketers. Asia Pacific Management Review. 63-71
  • ONG, FON SIM AND PHILLIPS, D.R., 2007. Older consumers in Malaysia International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. 85-117
  • SIEH, M. L.AND ONG, FON SIM, 2006. The movement of people in the Asia pacific region. In: SOESASTRO, H. AND FINDLAY, C, ed., Reshaping the Asia Pacific Economic Order London: Routledge.
  • ONG, FON SIM AND CHUA, G. M., 2006. Marketing to retirees in Malaysia: A study of shopping habits and retail needs. Asia Pacific Management Review. 163-176
  • MD NOR OTHMAN, ONG, FON SIM AND TENG, A.T.M., 2005. Occasions and motivations for gift-giving: A comparative study of Malay and Chinese consumers in urban Malaysia Asia Pacific Management Review. 197-204
  • MD NOR OTHMAN, ONG, FON SIM, AND SIOK, K. L., 2005. Materialism and consumer values among urban Malaysians: A gender comparison Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 15-26
  • MD NOR OTHMAN, ONG, FON SIM AND LIM, M. H., 2004. Environmental attitudes and knowledge of teenage consumers in Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 66-78
  • ONG, FON SIM AND TEE, Y. S., 2004. Money attitude, savings behaviour and consumption patterns among young urban consumers in Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 16-28
  • WU, W. Y., CHIA, Y. L., OTHMAN, M.D., ONG, FON SIM, IBRAHIM, A.R. AND GHAZALI, E., 2004. An integrative measurement model of national competitiveness: The perspective for Malaysia Asia Pacific Management Review. 285-300
  • ONG, FON SIM AND TANG, C. Y., 2003. Information search behaviour: A comparative study of young and old adults Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 22-31
  • MD NOR OTHMAN, ONG, FON SIM, AND CHEAH, K. H., 2003. Internet purchase behaviour amongst Malaysian urban consumers: An ethnic comparison Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 78-89
  • ONG, FON SIM AND PHILLIPS, D.R., 2003. Stress, resources, and life satisfaction among older adults in Malaysia. Hallym International Journal of Ageing. 111-129
  • ONG, FON SIM AND SIEH, M.L., 2002. Women managers in the new millennium: Growth strategies. In: OMAR, R. AND HAMZAH, A., ed., Women in Malaysia: Breaking Boundaries Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd. 229-269
  • ONG, FON SIM, 2002. Ageing in Malaysia: A Review of national policies and programmes. In: PHILLIPS, D. R. AND CHAN, C.M., ed., Ageing and Long-term Care: National Policies in the Asia Pacific Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and International Development 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Centre, Canada. 107-149
  • 1. ONG, F. S., SIEH, L. M. L., TAY, A. AND NORBANI CHE HA, 1999. Teaching guide to “More Marketing Management Cases in Malaysia” Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd..
  • ONG, FON SIM, 1999. After Kao attack, What’s next?. In: TAY, A., ed., Malaysian Business Management Cases Kuala Lumpur: Sejana Publishing.
  • ONG, FON SIM AND MD NOR OTHMAN, 1999. Managing innovations in Malaysia: comparing Japanese and Malaysian companies. In: JOMO, K.S., FELKER, G. AND RAJAH RASIAH, ed., Industrial Technology Development in Malaysia London: Routledge.
  • SIEH, L.M. L., LEE, C. MOHD AZIZI, ONG F. S. AND WAN SABRI, 1994. The finance company industry of Malaysia: Current status and future directions. Kuala Lumpur: 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Malaya Press..
  • SIEH, M. L., ONG, FON SIM AND LEE, K. C., 1992. Gender 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ in management and organisational performance. In: HESLOP, L., ed., The Ties that Bind Canada: Canadian Consortium of Management Schools.

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