Shu Han Tan
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Social Sciences
- workRoom EB17 Block E
Malaysia Campus
Jalan Broga
43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Malaysia -
Dr Tan Shu Han is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia. She received her doctorate in Marketing from 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Otago in New Zealand, specializing in the impact of social presence on relationship building within a social commerce context. Her current research interest focuses on digital marketing and consumer behaviours.
Teaching Summary
Dr Tan currently teaches undergraduate students at the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia.
BUSI 1063 Consumers and Markets
BUSI 2159 Marketing Management
BUSI 2095 Branding and Advertising
BUSI 2161 Technology and Organisation
In New Zealand, she has guest lectured and assisted in the teaching of various marketing courses at both undergraduate and post graduate levels including Advanced 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Methods, Integrated Digital Marketing, and Products to Markets.
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Summary
Dr Tan's research interest include consumer behaviors in the digital context, live streaming commerce, and users' engagement intensity within a social media context.