eLibrary help form
Please use the following form to inform us of any issues with library online services.
This information may answer your enquiry:
- If you are not being logged in, it may be that your password has expired and needs to be reset. Go to the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@'s IT help and support webpage for more information about how to set up security questions for your IT account, and how to change your password.
- Most eResources no longer require an Athens account. We recommend that you use the Institutional (sometimes referred to as Shibboleth) login link when accessing e-resources from off campus.
- Name
The Customer Services Counter provides general support for the library needs of both staff and students.
Location: Level B, Block G, Library
Direct Line: +6 (03) 8924 8318 (within campus: Ext 8318)
Email: libraryservices@nottingham.edu.my
The Circulation Desk is staffed between 8:30am and 9pm, weekdays; and between 10am and 6pm, weekends. It is closed on public holidays.
Reference Desk
The Reference Desk offers reference services and helps users locate answers to their questions and use a wide range of library resources in print and electronic formats.
Direct Line: +6 (03) 8924 8319 (within campus: Ext 8319)
Email: libraryservices@nottingham.edu.my
The Reference Desk is staffed between 10am and 4pm, on weekdays only.