Frequently asked questions
Who can borrow from the library?
How many items can I borrow?
How long can I borrow a library book?
Our books will normally be issued for one week and will auto renew everyday unless someone else wants them. Books in high demand will be issued for two days.
When the book you have requested is ready for collection, we'll email you.
You will need to collect it within two days.
How do I borrow library items?
For ordinary loan books, use the self-service machine on level B of the library. Follow the online instructions. Ask library staff if you need help.
You MUST have your 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ card (which is also your library card) with you when you borrow (or renew) items. Borrowing items using someone else’s 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ card is strictly forbidden.
Please note, that all borrowed items are subject to recall if another library user reserves them.
How do I find the books I need?
How do I check my loans online?
How will the library contact me?
Can I borrow a periodical?
Can I borrow audio-visual items (CDs , DVDs) from the library?
Will I be reminded when any books I've borrowed are due back?
What are the rules for borrowing short-loan-restricted bookable items?