
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia
The Library

Frequently asked questions


How do I return items?

  • Ordinary loan books should be returned using the self-service machine on level B.
  • If the library is closed, use the book return box near the library entrance.
  • Audio-visual items, periodicals/journals, laptops and interlibrary loan items, must be returned at the Customer Services Counter on level B.
  • Postgraduate students can return items at the Kuala Lumpur Teaching Centre (KLTC) book return box. Please fill in the Return-of-library-books form provided before dropping the books in the  box.

How do I check when my items are due?

All items borrowed are auto renewed by the system. However, the auto-renewal will stop when there is a request on the item. An Item due notice will be sent to patron, allowing a maximum of six days to return the book. Please return the item(s) by the due date.  You can also check in  NUsearch when your loans are due back.

Patron Circulation Summary will be sent weekly to you to show your book loans and due date.

I have returned all my books. How do I know if my books are cleared from my account?

You can check in NUsearch to see if your loans are cleared in your account.

Sign in to NUsearch and click My Library Card at the drop down on top right hand corner of the page. You can see if you still have any books left in your account.

It's my final semester. When do I have to return all my books?

Your borrowing entitlement ends on the last day of the examination period of the semester. All outstanding loans should be returned, and all outstanding fines should be paid by this cut-off date.

Failure to settle outstanding fines or non-return of any library item may stop you from graduating.












The Library

188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

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telephone and email contact points.