
January 2016
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ to 2016! This is the time of year when we make resolutions, plan our activities and calendar of events and project a positive outcome for our lives. Have you prepared your list of activities? We have some exciting events planned for you this year – check out our calendar of events and save the dates in your diary.
The last months of 2015 were an exciting and busy time as we celebrated our 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner, held an alumni masterclass on wine appreciation, alumni reunions in Malaysia and Singapore, and led fundraising initiatives such as the launch of the Make a Difference (MAD) Money Fund, the Jom Botak ‘Shave for Life’Campaign, Obesity Awareness Week and the Swing for Charity Golf Tournament.
This year, we have more exciting events planned including three alumni masterclasses, our annual Alumni Laureate Awards dinner party, Life Cycle Malaysia 3 and alumni reunions – look out for our invitations for these fantastic events.
This year, we will also be working closely with the Global Careers Team to continue to find innovative ways that we can support you in your career progression. We look forward to sharing our exciting plans with you!
We can’t wait to welcome you to one of our events soon.
Our resolution for 2016:
“To enhance our alumni engagement and provide excellent services to the alumni community!”