Every bowl a personal masterpiece

Every bowl a personal masterpiece – the Salad Atelier story
We all know that eating a healthy, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@d diet is an important part of maintaining good health and helping us feel our best. Now, one UNMC alumnus has discovered the recipe for business success – and making a difference to the community – with his healthy food business, Salad Atelier. Leaving a lucrative career at PriceWaterHouse Cooper Singapore, Finance, Accounting and Management graduate Dylan Lee established Salad Atelier in Malaysia in early 2014. Since then, the health food business has gone from strength to strength, with seven outlets throughout the country and another due to be launched in 2017.
Offering more than 100 healthy ingredients – from broccoli and carrot to quinoa, macadamia and kale – Salad Atelier serves a wide variety of health foods, including sandwiches, wraps, quesadillas, smoothies, fruit platters and granola. The best-known health food restaurant in Malaysia, Salad Atelier also has its own dietician, Wendy Wong, who provides free diet consultations for customers, including specialised diets for diabetes, pregnancy, weight loss and skin care.
Taking a very hands-on role in the business, Dylan is involved in the day-to-day operation, as well as looking after marketing, expansion, accounts, renovation and human resource. Not simply a high-street chain, Salad Atelier has now branched out to catering services and sponsorship, catering from 10 to 700 people and sponsoring food for Malaysia’s health events.
Salad Atelier has more than 15 promotions and discounts currently available - contact them for further information. We’re excited to see where this successful business heads next!