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Meet us in December
- Description
- Local and international recruitment events in December.
- Date:
- 21/11/2012
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham appoints new Chancellor
- Description
- The 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham is delighted to announce Sir Andrew Witty has been appointed as its seventh Chancellor.
- Date:
- 30/10/2012
Taking tissue regeneration beyond the state-of-the-art
- Description
- The search begins for a new class of injectable materials to stimulate stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue in degenerative and age related disorders of the bone, muscle and heart.
- Date:
- 04/07/2012
New Japanese scholarships announced
- Description
- Five new scholarships have been announced to allow Japanese students to study at UNMC.
- Date:
- 29/09/2011
Displaying 13 to 21 of 21