Postgraduate Prize Awards
The 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Postgraduate Prize Awards recognise accomplishments in research, publications, conferences as well as contribution to the Postgraduate Community. Students are nominated by their Schools for excellence across a number of areas.
2015 marked the first time this awards ceremony was introduced at the branch campuses and showcased concurently across all three campuses in UK, Malaysia and China.
2016 marked another first as the Postgraduate Teaching Award was introduced at 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia. The Postgraduate Teaching Award recognises and celebrates examplars of innovative teaching and support of learning. Applicants may support teaching and learning through a wide range of activities, including: demostrating in laboratory classs, distance learning, playing a leading role in seminars or tutorials, supporting project work or lecturers as well as marking, assessing and giving feedback on student work. This award is given to applicant who can show innovative and reflective practice by improving effectiveness in teaching and support of learning, making appropriate changes in learning activities or techniques as well as evaluating and reflecting on the impact of intervention and possibilities for further development.
2021 marked yet another first as the Best Supervisor Award was introduced at 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia. The Best Supervisor Award is designed to recognise academics who demonstrate sustained activity and interest in the supervision of doctoral students as a primary supervisor and have at least 80% timely completion rate of doctoral students registered at UNM.
Graduate School would like to congratulate all the winners on their commendable achievements and for archieving such prestigious awards!
2015 Winners!
Group Photo with Professor Christine Ennew and Supervisors
Postgraduate Prize Awards
Ibrahim Babangida Abubakar receiving his award from Professor Christine Ennew
Bi Juin Loong receiving her award from Professor Christine Ennew
James Lloyd Williams receiving his award from Professor Jerry Roberts at UK Campus
2016 Winners!
Group Photo with Professor Graham Kendall, Supervisors, Graduate School members of staff and CFF Doctoral Training Partnership Manager
Postgraduate Prize Awards
[From left] Professor Sandy Loh Hwei San, Pang Ee Leen (School of Biosciences) and Professor Graham Kendall.
“Ee Leen is a great assest for the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ with a good track record in succeeding high impact publications, prestigious awards and engaging international collaboration as well as providing excellent academic services particularly in WinSET Athena Swan and Biosafety Committees. She is a very ambitious scientist who has strong focus in steering her research direction towards the potential vaccine development against Dengue disease which possesses a global significance.” – Professor Sandy Loh Hwei San
[From left] Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu (School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences) and Professor Graham Kendall.
“We are very fortunate to have Nagu one of our postgraduate students in UNMC. He has brought with him his broad experience, a wide interest in interdisciplinary approaches, and – very importantly – a unique personal ability to unify people and make any working group much more effective than without him. I have a deep respect for Nagu’s attitude towards work and study – he is always humble and ready to work hard (and smart) to get things done. Nagu is called to play a remarkable role in the conservation of Malaysian biodiversity.” – Professor Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz
[From left] Ms Kasturi Muthoosamy, Professor Sivakumar Manickam, Sadia Afreen (Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering) and Professor Graham Kendall.
“Sadia Afreen, a sincere, well-talented and a desrving candidate who already made outstanding contributions in the area of functionalising fullerence nanoparticles in the most facile way reported so far. The outcome of this research will be employed in devising a biosensor for diagnosing early stage cancer. As a young researcher, her commitments and efforts towards research are remarkable and her contributions and achievements are noteworthy and marked to impact.” – Professor Sivakumar Manickam
Postgraduate Teaching Award
[From left] Professor Andy Chan, Ong Kian Chuan (Department of Civil Engineering) and Professor Graham Kendall.
“Ong Kian Chuan is currently working on the research project entitled ‘A pressure-based Mach-uniform method for viscous fluid flows’ in which he developed algorithm for more efficient computations. He is the teaching assistant for the Year 4 module – Computational Fluid Dynamics. His expertise, passion and enthusiasm touched all his students and he is very popular amongst the students. He had contributed beyond his normal teaching duties to help students on the subject and the assignment.” – Professor Andy Chan
2017 Winners!
Group Photo with Professor Claire O’Malley, Supervisors and Head of Graduate School
Postgraduate Prize Awards
Qin Ting (School of Biomedical Sciences) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Claire O’Malley.
[From left] Qin Ting, Professor Claire O’Malley and Dr Then Sue-Mian.
“Qin Ting, fondly known as Grace, is an all-rounder: a dedicated, methodical and passionate researcher in the lab, an active sportswoman and tireless contributor and supporter to the postgraduate community within the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Faculty of Science.” – Dr Then Sue-Mian
Mei Xiang (Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Claire O’Malley.
[From left] Mei Xiang, Professor Claire O’Malley and Professor Law Chung Lim.
“Mei Xiang has made significant achievements through her three years of PhD journey where she produced a good number of journal publications and peer-reviewed conference papers. Mei Xiang received several awards at the Faculty of Engineering Manufacturing and Industrial Processes (MIP) 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ Away Day in recent years for her accomplishments in research output and research achievement. She is among the key members who initiated mobile tutoring group for underprivileged kids, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project under the UNMC Blue Sky and also proposed the Buddy System for new postgraduate students through the Student Association (SA) Postgraduate Student Network (PGSN).” – Professor Law Chung Lim
Alberto (School of Biosciences) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Claire O’Malley.
[From left] Alberto, Professor Claire O’Malley and Professor Festo Massawe.
“Alberto is a great example of a ‘well-rounded researcher’ with unique laboratory and fields skills. He is passionate about his research on underutilised crops and the role these species could play to diversify agriculture beyond the major crops. He combines science and communication of scientific research superbly. This award is a testament to his contribution to the university community and beyond but more importantly his outstanding research on winged bean – soon to be named ‘Mr Winged Bean Jr’.” – Professor Festo Massawe
Postgraduate Teaching Awards
Misha’ari (School of Psychology) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Claire O’Malley.
Misha’ari developed a Q&A forum on Moodle for students to post queries for Teaching Assistants, this improved response time and feedback. She also designed and led a new Practical Methods module. She is an excellent Teaching Assistant and has strong sense of responsibility and initiative.
2018 Winners!
Group Photo with Professor Deborah Hall and Supervisors
Postgraduate Prize Awards
Shiau Ying (School of Biosciences) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Deborah Hall.
[From left] Professor Sandy Loh Hwei San, Professor Deborah Hall and Tham Shiau Ying.
“Shiau Ying is a quick learner and possesses good research qualities including interest, motivation, inquisitiveness, commitment, knowledge and integration which in turn resulting her fabulous successes in bagging 7 research awards, especially the highly competitive and prestigious Toray grant and European Association for Cancer 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ (EACR) award. She is indeed a shining star, her PhD journey would definitely inspire many young researchers in Science discipline.” – Professor Sandy Loh Hwei San
Jecksin (Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Deborah Hall.
[From left] Dr Nishanth Chemmangattuvalappil, Professor Deborah Hall and Jecksin Ooi.
“Jecksin has made significant contributions to the field of Process Systems Engineering by publishing 3 journal papers in world class journals, contributing to book chapters and also be presenting her work in international conferences. She also served the postgraduate student community by volunteering to organise multiple conferences and workshops in Malaysia.” – Dr Nishanth Chemmangattuvalappil
Shi Ting (School of Pharmacy) receiving her Postgraduate Prize Award from Professor Deborah Hall.
[From left] Professor Nashiru Billa, Professor Deborah Hall, Lee Shi Ting and Dr Lim Kuan Hon.
“Shi Ting is a mature and independent student. As the first postgraduate in my group, she actively helped in administrative work and played the role as mentor/task supervisor for other postgraduates and final year project students. Shi Ting has made impressive achievement consistently and is expected to have at least 3 indexed publications during her PhD candidature (with 2 have already been published).” – Dr New Siu Yee
2019 Winners!
Group photograph of prize winners with their supervisors and friends, together with the Associate Dean of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange for Faculty of Science and Engineering and members of the Graduate School.
Postgraduate Prize Awards
(From left) Dr Yap Yee Jiun, Associate Professor at School of Mathematical Sciences; Chew Kit Wayne; and Professor Sivakumar Manickam, Associate Dean of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange for Faculty of Science and Engineering.
(From left) Ir Dr Show Pau Loke, Associate Professor at Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering; Chew Kit Wayne; and Dr Yap Yee Jiun, Associate Professor at School of Mathematical Sciences.
“Kit Wayne has performed outstandingly throughout his three years of postgraduate study. He has made significant accomplishments in the field of sustainable bioprocessing by publishing 12 journal papers in the span of two years. He has contributed 3 book chapters and presented his work in 3 international conferences and research showcases. He also contributed to the postgraduate community by volunteering himself to organise multiple conferences, showcases and research visits.” – Ir Dr Show Pau Loke, Associate Professor at Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
(From left) Dr Soma Mitra, Associate Professor at School of Biosciences; Tan Pui Yee; and Professor Sivakumar Manickam, Associate Dean of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange for Faculty of Science and Engineering.
(From left) Dr Soma Mitra, Associate Professor at School of Biosciences; and Tan Pui Yee.
“Pui Yee has demonstrated absolute commitment to her project and academic contribution to the field of Public Health Nutrition in the Malaysian population. This is evident from the publication of three excellent articles in high impact factor journals. She proactively participated in timetabled practicals, open days and workshops. Her role as chairman of Obesity Awareness Outreach Project funded by a Japanese company is highly commendable.” – Dr Soma Mitra, Associate Professor at School of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering
(From left) Dr Lim Kuan Hon, Associate Professor at School of Pharmacy; Premanand Krishnan; and Professor Sivakumar Manickam, Associate Dean of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange for Faculty of Science and Engineering.
(From left) Dr Lim Kuan Hon, Associate Professor at School of Pharmacy; and Premanand Krishnan.
“Premanand has made potentially therapeutically useful discovery of novel phytochemicals. His most important work is represented by his investigation of a local fig species, which yielded a series of new alkaloids possessing promising vasorelaxant properties, particularly in rat aorta tissue. The project team is currently working towards patenting this series of alkaloids along with some synthetic analogues, which explains why his work on the fig species is till not published. To date, he has accumulated 5 publications in high impact journals, with him being the first author for 2.” – Dr Lim Kuan Hon, Associate Professor at School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science and Engineering
2020 Winners!
Congratulations Message
The tri-campus presentation ceremony which was scheduled to take place on 6 May 2020 was unfortunately cancelled due to the pandemic outbreak. Despite the limitations, we still wanted to celebrate our award winners and hence a tri-campus digital presentation was produced as a concerted effort by all three campuses. On behalf of Prof. Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange) and the Graduate School, we would like to wish all award winners many congratulations and all the very best in your future endeavours!
You may view the complete list of recipients from all 3 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham campus by clicking on the "All Recipients" link.
Postgraduate Prize Awards
Apurav Krishna Koyande
Chemical & Environmental Engineering
“Apurav is a young, dedicated and independent researcher who has made significant contribution in his field of research consistently, with 6 quality publications in less than 2 years. Apurav also assisted in supervision of final year projects and mentored fellow group members. He has also contributed to postgraduate fraternity by organizing numerous conferences and research visits. Additionally, he is actively involved in sports.”
Supervisors: Dr. Show Pau Loke & Dr. Cheng Foh Le
Nhat Quang Yen
“Quang Nhat is a highly focused, committed and independent researcher. Not only is he a keen learner, but he also takes upon himself to help and support others in need. As his supervisor, I always admire his unrelenting desire to learn and improve himself. With such admirable traits, i'm certain he will have a highly successful career..”
Supervisors: Dr. Lee Kean Wah & Dr. Csaba Szabo
Or Oi Ching
Environmental & Geographical Sciences
“Oi Ching is an essential part of MEME’s team. Her ability to converse in Malay, Chinese Mandarin and English has allowed her to contribute to outreach programmes on radio, at schools and with communities. Her positive attitude has contribute to a good working environment in the team. Her research is very impactful for conservation management, in understanding habitat use and population persistence of wild Asian elephants in Central Forest Spine..”
Supervisors: Prof. Ahimsa Campos, Dr. Wong Ee Phin & Dr. Varun Goswami
Postgraduate Teaching Award
Denesh Sooriamoorthy
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
“Denesh Sooriamoorthy makes UNM proud by being an exemplary student of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department. He continued his postgraduate study after completing his M.Eng in Mechatronic Enginering at the department. He has been proactive in helping to make teaching sessions in Mechatronic related laboratory and project modules more engaging and motivating to our students. His overall interest in promoting research in science and collegiality among students is leadership by example..”
Supervisors: Dr. Anandan Shanmugam & Dr. Marwan Nafea
2021 Winners!
Congratulations Message
This year was special for the organizing committee of the tri-campus awards as the event which took place on 25th May 2021 was hosted “live” virtually through Microsoft Teams for the very first time. Joining links were circulated earlier and the ceremony brought together close to 200 award winners, colleagues, students, friends and family from across the three campuses to celebrate the achievements and outstanding contributions of the award winners.
Professor Andy Chan (interim Vice Provost, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ and Knowledge Exchange) in his opening address acknowledged how difficult and disruptive it had been to conduct research amidst the pandemic since last year but how the researcher community should always look forward to adapt under the new set of norms and culture to remain relevant. He went on to highlight that this year’s award is special as winners were not only chosen for their own research excellence or resilience but on the basis of their contribution towards the research community that is standing on the edge on a daily basis.
To quote Prof. Andy Chan’s congratulatory remark, “Our winners showed what true human spirit is about, showing strength during this unprecedented times, to rally the people around them, organize the community and to think progressively and to bring the resources together so that the community continues to thrive”.
Postgraduate Prize Awards
Supervisors: Prof. Ts. Ir. Dr Pau Loke Show, Dr Ianatul Khairoh
Supervisors: Prof William Case, Prof Katharine Adeney (UK campus), Dr Khairil Izamin
Supervisors: Dr Wong Jing Ying , Prof Andy Chan
Best Supervisor Awards