Tuition & Cost of Living
Students who take part in any exchange programmes must pay the tuition fee to 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) as usual. No tuition fees are paid to the host campus.
Students participating in any exchange programme must pay in advance their tuition fee to the home campus (UNM) before proceeding with the visa application to the host country. The receipt of the paid tuition fee is one of the supporting documents required for the visa application to the host country.
* Full-Year Exchange - pay in advance 1 Full-Year tuition fee
* One-Semester Exchange - pay in advance 1 Semester tuition fee
Kindly obtain the official receipt once you have made payment to the UNM Finance Office or through the MyNottingham portal. Please make a copy of the tuition fee receipt and this is for the use of the visa application to the host country.
Students are responsible for the cost of living and other expenses at their host institution/campus. Please refer to the information provided about our partners or visit your host university website for more info.
Penalty of Exchange Withdrawal/Cancellation
No deposit is required for the exchange application, however a penalty of RM1,000 will be imposed and charged to the student's tuition fee account for any withdrawal case after being accepted by the school except for visa rejection and school rejection.
The penalty will be imposed and charged under the following situations:
- If a student withdraws the application after receiving the acceptance email.
- If a student declines the offer after an offer letter has been issued.
- If a student does not participate in the exchange programme after collecting the offer letter or refuses to acknowledge the offer made.
- If a student upon completing the exchange period at the overseas campus/campuses, fails to continue or register at UNM for the subsequent academic semester as agreed and required in the exchange programme application form.
- If a student fails to adhere to the terms and conditions mentioned in the offer letter including failure to secure the necessary travel documents in time for registration at the overseas campus/campuses due to negligence on the student’s part.
- If a student opts to transfer to UNUK / UNNC or other university upon completing the exchange period.
- If a student has to withdraw due to personal matters, family issues or financial issue after being accepted by the school.