Alumna turned Country Manager – Janani Nivedita

Janani Nivedita graduated from UNM in 2018 with a BA in TESOL, and now, she is currently the Country Manager for India as a part of UNM's Student Recruitment team!
When asked what her favourite memory at UNM was, Janani shared that her favourite memory would be spending time at the “Learning @ Vetro” space where she spent the most time with classmates.
During the long learning/project hours, Janani and her classmates turned out to best of friends for life, and they still remise their memories at the learning room.
“We would spend 12 hours straight with power naps in-between, somehow all the assignments which we did here brought us the best grades,” said Janani. “We would also take a stroll to the cafeteria for a short break where heartfelt conversations happened. Truly those moments are the one which made us feel safe, happy and content.”
Janani added that she also met her now-husband as he was also a student at UNM.
“We have spent many good times walking around the campus and getting to know each other. So, the campus is a huge part of our life.”
If she could describe her experience at UNM and three words, it would be adventurous, diverse, and safe.
We asked Janani regarding her favourite module that she studied at UNM throughout her entire course, and whether the things she learned from it apply to her everyday work life now. This is her answer:
“My most favourite module was Understanding learners and learning which focused on inclusive classrooms alongside differentiated learning methodologies to cater to different types of students.
“There was a book which was suggested under this module named Educational Psychology-Windows on Classroom by Eggen & Kauchak which I still use as reference. Even though it is not possible to use the learned modules in my everyday life, it has been and continues to impact my decision-making or help me understand the educational environment around the world. All the modules are just a starting point; it depends on our passion on which one we would want to explore further.”
Like you, Janani also spent her time at UNM joining various clubs and societies!
“I was involved in several clubs and societies. To name a few are AEC, Society of Education & Humanities, and Indian Cultural Society,” said Janani. “The best part about engaging in clubs and societies is building great friendships and to unlearn and learn various skills such as communication, problem solving, organisation, event management and understanding teamwork.”
Janani also stated that it helped her at work and in everyday life as well, where the skills she learned cannot be taught, but only carved through experiences.
“I would highly recommend students to engage in clubs and societies which align with their interests and values. This will passively help you face the real world in future.”
According to Janani, UNM is not just a place where you study and graduate.
“This place gives friends for life, and the professors stay connected, and they are always available for students even post-graduation,” said Janani. “It is like, once you step in Nottingham, you are guided throughout your life. 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ in a world-renowned institution gives exposure to cultures and traditions like nowhere else, which in turns makes each one of us a global citizen; it thereby allows us to respect and appreciate each-other’s uniqueness.”
Know some friends or family in India who would love to learn more about UNM? Do not hesitate to contact Janani Nivedita for any enquiries!