Career Takes Off in Singapore

Keely Ong Xin Rong is a recent graduate of 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), where she studied Applied Psychology and Management and graduated in 2023.
We were elated to learn that Keely secured herself a position as a Service Executive at UOB Singapore within a short span of time since her graduation. We’ve asked Keely for advice towards our current students and what they can do to secure their dream career and navigate their way through life after graduation.
“If you are having a tough time deciding between Applied Psychology and Management (APM) and another course, ponder no further. My decision to join APM remains as a wise choice amongst many silly ones made in the folly of my youth,” said Keely. She explained how her life at UNM had felt like a movie, with major character development right up to the ending, and there was never a dull moment where she doubted the path she was pursuing.
Keely added, “Having enjoyed psychological studies in my teenage years yet wanting to choose something realistic to appease my family, APM provided courses that were both essential to my future in the working field and my development as an individual.
From business-centred modules such as entrepreneurship and economics, to applied psychology modules like research methods and occupational health psychology, these courses encouraged critical thinking, soft skills development and creative liberty as seen through the various assessment methods.”
According to Keely, the courses not only involved final exams and written tests, but also presentations, group discussions, and research papers or showcases.
“Trust me, your friends from other courses would wish they could switch,” said Keely.
Want to know how she managed to land a job at UOB Singapore? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! We took the liberty to ask Keely regarding the steps she had taken during her student years to prepare herself for the career world.
“Prior to graduation, I deemed it important to build up my LinkedIn profile by updating my internship experiences, academic achievements, and other events on the platform,” said Keely. “It was the easiest way to market myself to potential employers.”
And of course, due to her diligence in updating her LinkedIn profile and showcasing her strengths and experiences to the job market and connections out there, she bore fruit!
“True enough, a private message from UOB Singapore rolled in about a job offer during my final semester at Nottingham,” added Keely. “At the time, I also had a few other job opportunities with local companies regarding roles in recruitment.”
For Keely, she was asked about her experience during previous internships (within and outside of Nottingham) in most of the job interviews. Her position held in the Department of Applied Psychology (DOAP), or other clubs and societies, were also questioned.
“After deep consideration, I decided to take up the role with UOB as I was ready for a fresh start in a new city with learning opportunities in an unfamiliar sector,” confirmed Keely.
Who knew that keeping your LinkedIn profile updated could lead to amazing opportunities? Time to create a new post!