Climate action in Malaysia
About the module
Module convenor: Dr Matthew Ashfold, Head of School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences
Department: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Climate Action in Malaysia provides students from all disciplines with an introduction to the climate change problem, and the information and tools needed to embed climate-friendly actions and behaviours in their day-to-day lives. Competencies linked to climate action will be valuable to graduates as governments, businesses and organisations increasingly seek to contribute to urgent climate solutions.
Climate action information is hosted in accessible “bite-size” forms on a publicly available website, and through a social learning approach, students gain experience of reflecting on how best to personally act for the climate, as well as to encourage wider climate action within their “sphere of influence”.
The module assessment will be as follows:
Reflective Portfolio (100%)
The portfolio is compiled from content that is generated continually over the course of the module generated through social learning and engagement (e.g. on social media) regarding climate action, plus a final overall reflection. This must be submitted by the end of the semester to the module convenor for review.
- Workshop 1 – 10 Oct 2023 17.00-18.00 at F4B09B
- Workshop 2 – 6 Nov 2023 17.00-18.00 at HB05
- Workshop 3 – 30 Nov 2023 17.00-18.00 at F4B09A
To register, students must self-enroll via Moodle starting from 2 Oct 2023 (10.00am Malaysian time).
*We would advise interested applicants to check your timetable before registering to this NAA module. (Please take note that the workshop date might be rescheduled if needed).
Thank you for expressing interest and registering for this Climate action in Malaysia module.
The NAA team would like to inform that the registration for this module is now closed due to overwhelming response.