Nottingham Advantage Award
What is the award?
Our Nottingham Advantage Award will give you the opportunity to stand out, the vision to achieve your goals and recognition for your commitment.
- It is an employability award: we work with employers and academics to bring you the best of their experience and guidance in order to increase your employability and help you get the most out of your time at 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@.
- Skills development: you'll meet new people and try new things whilst developing skills which will aid your future career.
- Recognition: your participation is included on your degree transcript and recognised at your graduation ceremony.
- Experience: it is something to mention on your CV, provides examples you can use in job interviews, and gives you some of the best memories from your time at university.
to learn more.
We are award-winning, we’re international, and we want you to join us. We’re a scheme that spans the entire 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@, making students more employable and helping them get the most out of their time here.
NAA Learning Outcomes
Click here to learn more about NAA learning outcomes 2016.
Nottingham Advantage Award briefing for Spring modules.
Date : 12 February 2025 (Wednesday)
Time : 5pm
Venue: F1A23
More Information
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Is it for you?
If you’re an undergraduate student with plenty of enthusiasm for activities outside your main academic studies, then the Nottingham Advantage Award is designed with you in mind. Apply now!
What's involved?
You will participate in a mixture of activities delivered by both academic schools and non-academic departments that provide you with opportunities to enhance your learning and be recognised for your contribution to activities outside your core curriculum.
How much time does it take?
The teaching elements equal around 20 hours. This can comprise workshops or the equivalent in online learning. You will be required to spend around 40 hours conducting independent study for the work you will submit for assessment.
In order to award you credits for your work, we will need to assess your performance. There are no extra exams, but we will just ask you to do some reflective activities like keeping a journal or putting together an e-portfolio. This all contributes to one of the main aims of the award ─ reflective learning.
Students who are interested to complete three (3) modules are advised to take them during their first
two years of study to be eligible for the Nottingham Advantage Award.
Important Note for Outgoing Mobility Students
If you are an outgoing mobility student and have completed any NAA modules outside Malaysia campus, kindly inform us via e mail at
If you are in Ningbo /UK campus on Mobility Scheme for your second year, but have decided to transfer there for your final year , kindly inform us via e mail at
Important Note for Transfer Students
If you have completed any NAA modules in Malaysia and are planning to transfer to the UK or China campus, kindly inform us via e mail at
Should you have taken 1 or 2 NAA modules at the UK/Ningbo campus and then decide to transfer to Malaysia campus, kindly inform us via e mail at once you have registered at the Malaysia campus.