Lifelong learning for Engineers
About the module
Module convenor: Dr Belle Ooi
Department: Faculty of Science and Engineering
This module available to all undergraduate students in Faculty of Engineering, 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
This module aims to train engineering students to become lifelong learners from an early stage, as well as to promote the development of skills that cannot be obtained in traditional classroom settings.
In this module, engineering-related activities including guest lectures, seminars, workshops, field trips and competitions will be organized and students will be encouraged to engage in a wide range of such activities. Each activity will be allocated a number of participation points, and students will accumulate these participation points over the duration of the module. In this way, they will be encouraged to develop an awareness of the importance of life-long learning and a positive disposition towards development of additional skills.
Aims and objectives
This module aims to:
- provide students with active & experiential learning opportunities to learn skills that cannot be obtained in traditional classroom settings;
- strengthen students’ understanding of the skills that they may develop through their degree programme;
- position students to become lifelong learners.
This module involves
The activities include guest lectures, courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, field trips and competitions. The time and duration of the activities will vary depending on the nature of the activity. A minimum of 25 participation points must be accumulated in order for an individual to complete the module. The final evaluation will include submitting the log book.
Interested students kindly contact Dr Belle Ooi.