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UNMC Alumni in Ingenuity Competition 2017


The UK’s prestigious tri campus competition Ingenuity 2017 received tremendous support from UNMC alumni as the competition was participated by UNMC for the first time. Those alumni participated in the competition came forward to present some of their best business products or services which can be brought to the market.

A total of 15 alumni took part in the competition, which is a month-long affair starting with the business pitching workshop where the participants were given the opportunity to gather ideas to write their business proposals and the right techniques to pitch their business ideas.

The initial workshop was conducted in a forum setting and we had some of the best speakers present, sharing their entrepreneurial skills with the participants.

Our alumni’s extraordinary business talents and presentation skills have certainly impressed members of the evaluation panel that includes the Head of Vinod Sekhar Incubation Centre, Dr Vinod Sekhar.

The competition witnessed three UNMC Students as winners. They came up with a brilliant idea for a Special Needs Internship Programme (SNIP). After streaming through many levels of pitching, and out of 103 teams that participated in the competition, The 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Malaysia campus’s SNIP was selected to win £3,000 from the Asia Business Prize Fund.ingenuity2

The prize-winning idea is a wonderful service-oriented business building a promising employment opportunity (internship programmes) for those in the community with special needs. The idea was mooted due to lack of job opportunities for the disabled in Asia and it was hugely welcomed by the judges. It was certainly a proud moment for 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus as the winners are the living proof that Nottingham produces such high quality students who will soon be joining the elite Nottingham Alumni community.

Prishalini Rajagumar, 21, is a Malaysian studying a BSc (Hons) Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Wael Aldroubi, 26, is a Syrian studying a BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Tariq Mohammad, 21, is an Egyptian currently studying a Foundation programme in Science and intends to progress into Software Engineering.

According to UNMC Vice Provost (188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ & Knowledge Exchange), Professor Claire O’ Malley: “We are very proud to be winners of the Asia Business Category. As a first time participant in the Ingenuity competition this year, it is a great accolade for UNMC and testament to the entrepreneurial quality of our students. I congratulate all students, staff, alumni and industry partners who were involved.

SNIP is in development stage and is projected to be ready for pilot testing by 2018. It will be available to students and employers by the end of 2018.

Posted on 5th May 2017

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