Attendance Monitoring Procedure at UNM
This procedure is part of the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia’s Supplementary Policy on Attendance and Engagement, which should be read in conjunction with this document. This procedure is applicable to study within the 2023/2024 academic session and beyond. Decisions regarding non-attendance are made by Schools/Departments.
1. Parameters of the procedure
This procedure should only be used to address a student’s absence from compulsory teaching activity such as classes, and supervision meetings or other activity that are required by the School or the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ for the pursuit of their studies no covered under other procedures.
Absence Requests outlined in this procedure should not be used as a substitute for Extenuating Circumstances (EC) claims or to cover parameters under the EC procedure: this includes absence from an examination/assessment or non-submission of coursework and requests for extensions to deadlines for submission of written assignments.
However, approved EC claims and evidence may be used in place of an absence request. Therefore, there would be no need to file an absence request if an approved EC claim evidence already covers the period of absence.
2. Timescales
- Attendance monitoring for students should begin at start of Week 4 (after the Add/Drop period), and subsequent monitoring should be done at least every week unless where otherwise stated under this procedure except for Foundation April Semester/3rd Semester of FDN 3 semesters.
- Foundation April Semester/3rd Semester of FDN 3 semesters attendance monitoring for students should begin at start of Week 3 and subsequent monitoring should be done at least every week unless where otherwise stated under this procedure.
3. Attendance Intervention Meeting
- The purpose of the Attendance Intervention Meeting (AIM) is to ascertain the reason(s) for a student’s absence or non-engagement, document the steps taken by the student to avoid absence, provide advice or direct the student to the most appropriate student support service if applicable, remind the student of the relevant policy, and record the school’s decision.
- The Personal Tutor, Senior Tutor, Head of School may, to better facilitate this process, seek advice, information (consistent with 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ policies) and guidance from the Head of Student Registry, relevant course (module) convener(s), including advice on referrals to 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ services.
- The AIM may take the form of a face-to-face meeting but may be done by video call or voice call only in circumstances where a face-to-face is not possible.
- School/Faculty may assume no satisfactory explanation or good cause is available from the student if they do not show up for the AIM.
- A formal record (the AIM record form) of proceedings at the AIM must be kept. The original (paper) copy should be stored at least until the end of the academic year. The purpose of the records is to document decisions, to summarise any discussion relevant to those decisions (where this is required to give a context or rationale for the decision, or to establish precedents), and to capture for further consideration any areas of discussion or requirements for future action.
- The AIM record form should be completed and signed by all relevant parties at the AIM. It should state clearly the decision reached by the school.
- After the meeting, the AIM record (including all outcomes) should be sent immediately to the relevant faculty office (e.g. Attendance team/Case Handler).
- School should inform the student formally on the outcome of an AIM within the relevant timelines set out in this procedure.
4. Absence Request
- A student who knows that they will be absent from the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ for any period of time should make this known to the Faculty Office by completing and submitting the completed Absence Request form.
- Student must complete all relevant sections of the absence request form, obtain the relevant approvals and evidence before submission.
- The completed and signed absence request form should be submitted online. Information regarding how to submit a claim form can be found on the university web pages or at faculty office.
- Absence for less than a week, and where no more than two courses (modules) is affected, will require approval from the course (module) convener(s).
- Absence for more than a week, and where more than two courses (modules) is affected, will require approval from the Head of School (Home School) only. In the case where responsibility is shared between Schools, the Head of School (Home School) should ensure that any partner Schools are adequately informed and are involved in the decision process.
- Where absence is for a period of more than two weeks (or any period considered significant by the School) the course of action should be in line with section 2 (i.e. 2.1.4 and 2.1.6) of the regulations governing attendance.
- All requests submitted must be accompanied by relevant documentary evidence (see Section 5 in this document), and approvals (see section 4.3 or 4.4 as applicable) or will not be considered valid by the faculty office.
- Where the request is for an unplanned absence student should explain in the form in as much detail as possible, including with evidence, why a request could not be submitted prior to the affected activity.
- Approved absence requests will be administered by the faculty office.
- Faculty attendance teams or attendance case handler(s) will make necessary changes in the attendance register based on the approved absence request and keep a record of the approved request in the student(s) file.
5. Acceptable Circumstances and Evidence
Evidence presented for both planned and unplanned absences must meet be acceptable and meet the standards set under the guidance on Acceptable Circumstances and Evidence in the university EC regulation.
6. Outcomes
- Schools/Departments should arrange for an attendance case handler to process absence requests and inform the student of the outcome of AIM.
- Attendance case handlers should ensure that the school’s decision for Absence Requests and Attendance Intervention Meetings are duly actioned.
- Any changes required to a student’s attendance record in the attendance register as a result of an authorized absence requests or attendance intervention meeting should be done promptly and noted in the student(s) file.
7. Attendance Monitoring
(I)Below is the attendance monitoring for all students EXCEPT Foundation April Semester/3rd Semester of FDN 3 semesters:
1. In Week 4, students whose overall attendance rate is under 80% will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation AIM Meeting.
2. Where the School does not receive a satisfactory explanation for absence, or student does not attend the AIM, the school/department should proceed sending a Notification of Absence to the student and explain the implications for not meeting the overall attendance rate of 80%.
3. The above monitoring process (No.1 and 2) will repeat in Week 5 for new identified students whose overall attendance rate is under 80%.
4. In Week 7, students whose overall attendance is below 77% will need to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
5. In Week 7, students with overall attendance 77% and above which considered as borderline percentage to 80%. These students will be given opportunity to improve their attendance until week 11.
a) They will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation for AIM Meeting.
b) If in week 11, their overall attendance rate is still under 80%, they will be required to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
6. In Week 8 and Week 9, students whose overall attendance is below 78% will need to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study. (*this excluded students that have already identified in No. 4 and 5 above)
7. In Week 8 and Week 9, students with overall attendance 78% and above which considered as borderline percentage to 80%. These students will be given opportunity to improve their attendance until week 11. (*this excluded students that have already identified in No.4 and 5 above)a) They will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation for AIM Meeting.b) If in week 11, their overall attendance rate is still under 80%, they will be required to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
a) They will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation for AIM Meeting.
b) If in week 11, their overall attendance rate is still under 80%, they will be required to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
8. From Week 10 until Week 12, any students overall attendance is below 80% students will need to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study. (*this excluded students that have already identified in No. 4-7). Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
(II) Below is the attendance monitoring for all students in April Semester / 3rd Semester of FDN 3 semesters:
1. In Week 3, students whose overall attendance rate is under 80% will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation AIM Meeting.
2. Where the School does not receive a satisfactory explanation for absence, or student does not attend the AIM, the school/department should proceed sending a Notification of Absence to the student and explain the implications for not meeting the overall attendance rate of 80%.
3. In Week 6 and 7, students whose overall attendance is below 78% will need to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
4. In Week 6 and 7, students with overall attendance 78% and above which considered as borderline percentage to 80%. These students will be given opportunity to improve their attendance until week 9.
a) They will receive an invitation for AIM meeting. Students should meet up with their tutor within a week from the day they received the invitation for AIM Meeting.
b) If in week 9, their overall attendance rate is still under 80%, they will be required to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
5. From Week 8 until Week 10, any students overall attendance is below 80% students will need to interrupt their study. Student will receive email notification to interrupt study. (*this exclude students that have already identified in No. 3-4). Student will receive email notification to interrupt study.
*Student who didn’t put in interruption as they should, school could submit a case to QSC for university to interruption their study. The QSC case need to submit to Registry Office for further process.