Timetabling FAQs
When are the timetabling deadlines?
Schools need to update their course structures and module activity templates by 11 March 2016. Data entry in the student record system for students’ module choices has to be completed by 6 May 2016. We will produce the draft timetable for Schools to check on 26 June 2015, with the publication of the Integrated Teaching Timetable on 15 August 2016.
What are your procedures for timetabling?
Why do we have clashes between teaching?
One important element when generating teaching timetables are that students choose their optional modules and this data is downloaded to the timetabling software in May. Where students have not chosen their restricted optional modules Timetable Services may be unable to create a ‘clash’ free teaching timetable as they will not have an accurate representation of what students have chosen.
Why can't the timetables be the same every year?
Timetables are subject to the many yearly changes that affect teaching. These can include increases in student numbers, staff members leaving or arriving, students choosing different options, and differences in the rooms or facilities available to us.
can't we decide which rooms we want for our timetables?
Rooms are allocated on the basis of class size, category of room and equipment required. This enables us to achieve an efficient use of the available rooms and to optimize space utilization effectively. Any activity with a specific requirement for a type of room should have this noted on the activity template.
When should I vacate a room by?
Please ensure that you vacate a room in enough time (10 mins) to permit the next class to begin promptly at its scheduled start time.
Where can I find the definitions of the timetabling codes and what the grid layout is showing i.e. building codes and activity name?
The building codes, activity name and room types can be found by clicking on the following link:-
Guidance to the grid/list timetable can be viewed here:-
What if I need to run an extra class?
What do I do if there is a double booking?
If there are two events that appear to be taking place in the same room, the easiest way to rectify the issue and verify the rightful occupants is to view the room timetable via the web, available by clicking on the link below:
If this is not available, please contact Timetable Services on x8057 or email RoomBooking@nottingham.edu.my to ascertain who is supposed to be in the room and to ensure that both parties are allocated into appropriate locations.
When is the Timetable Services office open?
The opening hours for the office are Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00.
How to contact Timetable Services?
The best way to contact Timetable Services is via the following email addresses:-
For timetabling queries – Timetabling@nottingham.edu.my
For room booking queries – RoomBooking@nottingham.edu.my
As a member of staff, am I given an opportunity to comment on my timetable?
Can you provide training for new members of staff?
How are decisions about available teaching space made?
What do I do if I want to cancel a teaching session?
It is imperative that cancellations of sessions are submitted as far in advance as possible to enable us to allocate the room elsewhere.
An audit is taken place during the Autumn and Spring Semester to determine which rooms are being used and are not. This information is reported to the Space Management Committee with departments who have either not cancelled or have not used the rooms.
How do I request extra AV facilities?
What times of day do you timetable?
The vast majority of the teaching timetable takes place between 9.00-18.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays, and between 9.00-13.00 on Wednesdays, with Wednesday afternoons kept free for 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ activities. However, occasionally activities are scheduled on Wednesday afternoons after agreement from both affected staff and students. We are also able to book evening sessions when required.