
188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ of Nottingham Malaysia
Department of
Chemical and Environmental Engineering

MSc and Undergraduate Final Year Projects



MSc Projects with International Refereed Journal Publication
 Students  Project Title  Academic Session
Mintallah Mousa A Allouzi Torrefaction of olive pomace with low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic and its interactive effects  2021/22
Excellent Final Year Project (MEng Projects) with International Refereed Journal Publication (After 2015)


 Project Title

Academic Session

Ramanath, T. Integrated Enterprise Input-Output and Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis for Carbon Intensity Reduction in Edible Oil Refinery. 2022/23
Dominico Delven Yapinski, Yu Shuen Mak Impact of Microwave Heat Treatment on the Dehydration Kinetics and Properties of Gelatin Membranes 2021/2022
Jia Yong Tang, Boaz Yi Heng Chung, Jia Chun Ang Prediction model for biochar energy potential based on biomass properties and pyrolysis conditions derived from rough set machine learning 2021/2022
Heng, Yi Peng, Lee, Ho Yan Incorporating Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Molecular Design for Fragrance Molecules 2021/22
Tiew, Shie Teck, Chew, Yick Eu, Lee, Ho Yan A Fragrance Prediction Model for Molecules Using Rough Set-based Machine Learning 2021/22
Daniel Chong Jia Sheng Optimisation and performance evaluation of response surface methodology (RSM), artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in the prediction of biogas production from palm oil mill effluent (POME) 2021/22
Chen Jia Win Process modelling and optimisation of methane yield from palm oil mill effluent using response surface methodology and artificial neural network 2021/22
Ang, J. C. Optimisation of Cogeneration System Design with Extended Automated Targeting Model (ATM) 2021/22
Chew, Y. E. Process Simulation and Optimisation for Acid Gas Removal System in Natural Gas Processing 2021/22
Chong, D. J. S. A Reduced Order Model for Triethylene Glycol Natural Gas Dehydration System 2021/22
Hock Chee Lu Simulation and optimisation of a SWRO system in Cape Town, South Africa 2020/21
Yee Jia Ooi, Krisya Nicole G. Aung Design of fragrance molecules using computer-aided molecular design with machine learning 2020/21
Hatamleh, Mohamad Design of mosquito repellent molecules via the integration of hyperbox machine learning and computer aided molecular design 2020/21
Cheong Wai Lin Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste with Sewage Sludge: Simulation and Optimization for Maximum Biogas Production 2020/21
Jasmine Tiong Simulation and Optimization of Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste with Palm Oil Mill Effluent for Biogas Production 2020/21
Affery, A. P., Tan, J. X., Ong, I. Y. B., Lim, J. Y. Optimal Planning of Inter-Plant Hydrogen Integration (IPHI) in an Eco-Industrial Park with P-graph and Game Theory Analyses. 2020/21
Kho, W. Y. Extended Automated Targeting Model (ATM) for Total Site Analysis (TSI). 2020/21
Lai, J. Y., Chua, X. Y. Techno-economic Analysis of Integrating Liquid Membrane with Electrowinning for Copper Recovery from Electroplating Wastewater 2020/21
Loh, H. T. Simultaneous Optimisation of Mass Exchanger Network and Direct Reuse/ Recycle Network. 2020/21
Chua Xin Yi Cogeneration system and fuel inventory for palm refinery 2020/2021
Ying Wei Phuang, Wee Zheng Ng, Shun Shun Khaw, Yong Yin Yap Wet torrefaction pre-treatment of yard waste to improve the fuel properties 2019/2020
Rahul Jaideep, Wen Hwan Lo, Gaik Pheng Lim, Chong Xin Chu Enhancement of fuel properties of yard waste through dry torrefaction 2019/2020
Shan Ping Foo, Yoong Shern Hew, Yuh Juann Loh, Vishno Vardhan Devadas Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Fresh and Wilt Kesum Plant using Liquid Biphasic Flotation 2019/2020
Wong Chee Yan Water Recovery System for a Polylactide Production Process 2019/2020
Tan Mun Cheng Simulation-optimisation for free fatty acid removal in palm oil deodorisation process 2019/2020
Amelie Peter Affery, Jian Xiang Tan, Ian Yan Beng Ong Inter-Plant Hydrogen Integration (IPHI) in Eco-Industrial Park 2019/2020
Jian Xiang Tan, Hong Sheng Tan, Amelie Peter Affery, Ian Yan Beng Ong P-Graph Approach for the Synthesis of Hydrogen Networks  2019/2020
Tiong Oon Tey, Sharon Chen, Zhi Xiang Cheong, Abigail Shu Xian Choong Sustainable Product Design from Palm based Biomass 2019/2020
Radhakrishnapany, Kirridharhapany T., Wong Chee Yan, Tan Fang Khai Design of solvent mixtures using machine learning tools 2019/2020
Yen Mun Chong, Jie Min Yap Permeabilization of Chlorella sorokiniana and extraction of lutein by distillable CO2-based alkyl carbamate ionic liquids 2019/2020
Yik Fu Lim, Hue Foo Seng, Sih Ching Ng, Hameed Hashma Anaerobic co-digestion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) with Decanter cake (DC): Effect of mixing ratio and kinetic study 2019/2020
Ming Jiang Gan, Wen Shyue Lim, Han Xiang Ng, Meng Hong Ong Enhancement of Palm Kernel Shell Fuel Properties via Wet Torrefaction: Response Surface, Optimization, and Combustion Studies 2018/2019

Esther Hui Xian Lim, Kar Yee Chong, Ming Khai Chok, Choon Hui Lock

Investigation of eggshell as catalyst on the torrefaction of empty fruit bunch  2018/2019
Lee Chee Hoong, Chong Darren Yu Lun, Sadaf Hemmati, Mostafa M. Elnegihi Synthesis of National-wide Bio-Hydrogen Network 2018/2019
Lee Chee Hoong, Chong Darren Yu Lun, Sadaf Hemmati, Mostafa M. Elnegihi Synthesis of Bio-Hydrogen Network 2018/2019
Kah Yan Mak, Yee Jian Khaw, Nazeem Suhaidi An efficient and rapid method to extract and purify protein- Liquid Triphasic Flotation system 2018/2019
Soh Wei Li Cogeneration Potential with Different Total Site Integration  2018/2019
Hanna Amirah Mohd Yusof, Ng Jes Lynn, Ng Sze Chiat, Lee Yan Jie Modeling of Convective Drying of Sawdust Using a Reaction Engineering Approach 2018/2019
Kai Chong Cheng, Zhi Sheng Khoo, Newton Well Lo, Wei Jie Tan Design of chemical products integrated with process 2018/2019
Vicky Lee, Kiew Zhi Hao, Xin Yao Design of solvent mixtures for extraction by quantifying sustainabililty aspects 2018/2019
Zhen Kang Liew, Zheng Theng Ho, Yew Hong Yip, Ming Chern Teng, Ameer Illham Tuah Ameer Abbas bin Biogas production enhancement by co-digestion of empty fruit bunch (EFB) with palm oil mill effluent (POME) 2018/2019
JY Lim, SY Teng, JP Tang, CK Yoo Multi-objective lifecycle optimization for oil palm fertilizer formulation: A hybrid P-graph and TOPSIS approach 2017/2018
Sin YongTeng, Jun HaoTeoh Bottleneck Tree Analysis (BOTA) with green and lean index for process capacity debottlenecking in industrial refineries 2017/2018
Harvindran Vasu, Choon Fai Wong, Navin Raj Vijiaretnam Insight into Co-pyrolysis of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) with Palm Oil Sludge (POS): Effect on Bio-oil Yield and Properties 2017/2018
Yeo Zi Ming Cogeneration Potential for a Sulphuric Acid Recovery Plant 2017/2018
Mitchell SW Lim, Zheng Yee Lee, Kar Chiew Lai, Muhamad Ashraf Jamaal Effects of sonication on co-precipitation synthesis and activity of copper manganese oxide catalyst 2017/2018
Seah Wei Hon, Alecia Wong Sze Mun, Wei Qin Nie Naik, Tan Chun Mun  Convective Baking Characteristics and Effective Moisture Diffusivities of Yellow Mealworms 2017/2018
Angle Xin Yee Mah, Hon Huin Chin, Jie Qi Neoh, Omar Anas Oboagwa Design of bio-oil additives using mathematical optimization tools 2017/2018
Angle Xin Yee Mah, Hon Huin Chin, Jie Qi Neoh, Omar Anas Oboagwa Reactive and non-reactive solvents as bio-oil blends: a computer-aided molecular design approach 2017/2018
Angle Xin Yee Mah, Hon Huin Chin, Jie Qi Neoh, Omar Anas Oboagwa Design of bio-oil additives using mathematical optimisation tools considering blend functionality and sustainability aspects 2017/2018
Ong Mei Shi, Chang Mun Yuen,Foong Min Jie, Chiew Jing Jie Sustainability assessment for the production of chitosan-TiO2 nanotubes scaffolds for bone regeneration 2017/2018
Lee Xiuan Chew, Tan Lim Chong, Wei Heng Teh, Amelie Peter Affery, Cheng Heng Pang  A Note for the Extended P-Graph Model for the Synthesis of Batch Water Network 2016/2017
Tze Tin Yeoh, Tiong Kean Tan, Kok Hui Chong, Devi Ganga Debottlenecking of sustainability performance for integrated biomass supply chain: P-graph approach 2016/2017
Li Wen Chow, Shu Anne Tio, Jia Yun Teoh, Chu Gen Lim Sludge as a relinquishing catalyst in Co-Pyrolysis with palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber 2016/2017
Su-Yi Tey, Sie Shing Wong, Jian An Lam, Norman QX Ong Douglas Model for biorefinery processes 2016/2017
Mohamad Daniel Yaacob, Leong Kian Yi, Muhammad Raziq Jahubar Sathik,Tan Ngai Fong  Modelling of Osmotic Dehydration of Kedondong Fruit (Spondias dulcis) Immersed in Natural Pineapple 2016/2017
Kong Yuan Lin, Lim Wei Xuen, Manson Kho Kaizhi, Sarah Chang Sue Lin Application of computational tools for the design of solvents for the extraction of palm oil from palm pressed fibre 2016/2017
Kok Hui Chong, Tiong Kean Tan, Ganga Devi Ponniah, Yeoh Tze Tin Debottlenecking of the integrated biomass network with sustainability index 2015/2016
CH Lim, PS Pereira, CK Shum, WJ Ong Synthesis of material interception networks with P-graph 2015/2016
CH Lim, PS Pereira, CK Shum, WJ Ong Synthesis of resource conservation networks with P-graph approach—direct reuse/recycle 2015/2016
Derick KL Liew, Ramona C Gondipon, Ryan W Wong, Yuen Ling Loo Identification of active sonochemical zones in a triple frequency ultrasonic reactor  2015/2016
Billie Hiew Yan Zhang Utilisation of environmentally friendly okara-based biosorbent for cadmium(II) removal 2015/2016
Shi Yee Ng, Sze Ying Ong, Yee Yin Ng, Alexander HB Liew Pharmaceutical product design from palm-based biomass 2015/2016
Chew Kit Wayne, Yap Jing Ying, Lim May Teng, Su Derwin Synthesis of chitosan composite scaffolds using green filler for bone regeneration 2015/2016



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