



All students undertaking full-time studies in Malaysia are required to obtain a Student Pass (Visa). The process has been in transition from 2013 and changes are frequent. For the most up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@ website regularly.

The Ministry of Higher Education and the Malaysian Immigration Department has agreed to issue new Student Passes for the full duration of the course applied by international students (this is subject to the validity of the passport at the point of submission to the Visa Office). 

For students issued the yearly Student Pass, you will have to continue to renew your visa on a yearly basis. Please visit the Visa Office to find out more about this process or refer to the Returning Students section for more details. You will also receive a monthly email reminder from the Visa Office as part of our initiative.

All international students will not be required to do a pre-arrival medical examination based on the circular issued by the Ministry of Higher Education. However, all international students MUST fill up and sign-off on the ‘HEALTH DECLARATION FORM’ and submit it to the Visa Office for the Visa Approval Letter (VAL) application.

As such, students will be only doing their post-arrival medical examination upon arriving on campus. Any student who fails their post-medical examination will have to return back to their home country. The university will not be responsible for any cost incurred.

You are allowed to appeal your post-medical once but it is subject to the approval by EMGS.

Option A: Apply via the UNM Visa Office   Option B: Apply directly to EMGS



Important Information

What is a Visa Approval Letter (VAL)?

The Visa Approval Letter or VAL is a letter issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department when your visa application is successful. 

The entry requirements for Malaysia vary depending on your country of origin.Students from some countries are required to apply for a Single Entry Visa (SEV) additionally to enter Malaysia with a VAL.The SEV is has to be applied from the nearest Malaysian Embassy/Mission. Alternatively,students may apply for an eVISA online. Click here for more information.

What is an Single Entry Visa (SEV)?

A Single Entry Visa or SEV is a visa required for non-residents entering Malaysia to study. The SEV is obtained after the Visa Approval Letter (VAL) has been approved by Malaysian Immigration Department.

Check if you need to obtain an SEV before your arrival by referring to the Immigration Department's list of countries.

What is Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS)? 

Education Malaysia Global Services or EMGS is the private body appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education to process all international student pass applications. UNM submits your VAL application to EMGS, once it is supported, the Immigration Department approves and issue your VAL.

For further information, please click here.

Who is The Immigration Department of Malaysia?

The Immigration Department of Malaysia is responsible for approving,rejecting and issuing Visa Approval Letters (VAL) and Student passes

For further information, click here

What do I do if I lose my passport ? 

If a student loses his or her passport, follow these steps to replace your lost passport and obtain a new student pass. The specific requirements will depend on whether your passport was lost in Malaysia or your home country. 

Scenario 1: Passport Lost in Malaysia 

  1. Make a police report in Malaysia. 
  2. Inform your embassy of the issue and apply for a new passport. 
  3. Obtain a supporting letter from your embassy, if required. 
  4. Submit the following to the Visa Office: your new passport, a full copy of the new passport, the police report, the embassy letter, and proof of payment for the transfer endorsement directly to EMGS. 
  5. EMGS will then issue a new student pass in your new passport. 

Scenario 2: Passport Lost in Home Country 

  1. Make a police report in your home country and obtain an English translation. 
  2. Make a police report in Malaysia. 
  3. Inform your embassy of the issue and apply for a new passport. 
  4. Obtain a supporting letter from your embassy, if required.  
  5. Submit the following to the Visa Office: your new passport, a full copy of the new passport, the police reports from both your home country and Malaysia, the embassy letter, and proof of payment for the transfer endorsement directly to EMGS. 
  6. EMGS will then issue a new student pass in your new passport. 




New students | Returning students | Special circumstances | Health and insurance | UNM Visa Office


New students

Incoming international students will have the option of applying for their Visa Approval Letter (VAL) through the following methods:

Option A is the recommended method. However, students who opt for Option B can contact the UNM Visa Office if any assistance is required. 

Inter-campus exchange and transfer students may refer to this section to understand the visa application process. Contact your International Office /Study Abroad Office in your respective Universities for further assistance.



Returning students

Current students must renew their visa at least 4 months before their current student pass expires - Please refer to the monthly email reminder sent out by the UNM Visa Office.



Special circumstances

Students facing one of the circumstances below may have to submit additional documents and undergo a slightly different process of VAL application:

  • Students transferring from another institution in Malaysia.
  • Students progressing to a higher level of study (e.g. Foundation to Bachelor's, Bachelor's to Masters, Master's to PhD).
  • Valid employment pass/ work permit holders who wish to study 'Part-time' while working in Malaysia.
  • Overstaying on your student pass.
  • Bringing your family to Malaysia with you through a dependent pass.


Health and insurance

Please read more about the Immigration Department of Malaysia's VAL application health checkup requirements and the health insurance coverage provided with your Student Pass here.

International students issued a Student Pass for the full duration of their studies must renew their medical insurance on a yearly basis upon i-Kad renewal. It is a prerequisite that all international students hold a valid health insurance coverage during the course of their studies.


UNM Visa Office

The UNM Visa Office is the 188体育网址_188体育在线-【唯一授权网站】@'s in-house provider of Student Pass assistance to international students. All international students should contact the UNM Visa Office for support during their visa application process or for other visa related matters.

Emailapply.visa@nottingham.edu.my (new students) or visarenewal@nottingham.edu.my (returning students)

Phone: +603 8924 8075 or 8924 8078

Hotline: +603 8924 8088